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Swedish-English translation for: [for]
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Dictionary Swedish English: [for]

Translation 1 - 53 of 53


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ogynnsam {adj} [för]unfavourable [Br.] [for / to]
ansökan {u} [om]
application [for]
klädsel rock {u}
coat [for men]
penna {u}
pen [for writing]
nådebröd {n}[voluntary support for a former employee or relative in old age]
elektr. enhet ampere {u} <A>amp <A> [short for: ampere]
relig. aspersorium {n}aspersorium [a stoup, basin, or other vessel for holy water]
förstärkning {u} [till t.ex. polis]backup [for police]
mat. smet {u}batter [for pancakes, waffles etc.]
sjöf. kajplats {u}berth [for a ship]
haklapp {u}bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)]
kattpensionat {n}cattery [for boarding of cats]
katteri {n}cattery [for breeding of cats]
relig. krisma {u}chrism [mixture of oil and balm used for sacramental purposes]
sjöf. kompass {u}compass [for navigation]
krycka {u}crutch [for disabled]
biokemi deoxiribonukleinsyra {u} <DNA>DNA [short for: deoxyribonucleic acid]
biokemi DNA {n} [oböjl.]DNA [short for: deoxyribonucleic acid]
biokemi dna {n} [oböjl.]DNA [short for: deoxyribonucleic acid]
kont {u}dosser [basket for carrying objects on the back]
elektr. e-bok {u}ebook [spv.] [short for: electronic book]
Unverified utfart {u}exit [for vehicles]
med. influensa {u}flu [short for: influenza]
strykjärn {n}iron [for clothing etc.]
tvättstuga {u}laundry [place for clothes to be washed]
tändsticka {u}match [for lighting fires, candles etc.]
hort. plantskola {u}nursery [for plants]
postfack {n}pigeonhole [compartment for keeping letters or documents]
med. plåster {n}plaster [for covering a cut in the skin]
underv. ABC-bok {u}primer [elementary book for teaching children to read]
skadestånd {n}reparations {pl} [for war damage]
sadel {u}saddle [for bicycle, horse]
film teater RadioTV manus {n}script [for a film, play etc.]
pennvässare {u}sharpener [for pencils]
klädsel dräkt {u} [damplagg: jacka och kjol eller byxor]suit [for a woman]
enhet ton {n}ton [usually the metric ton, but also used for the British and American tons (long ton and short ton respectively)]
verktyg murslev {u}trowel [for mortar and plaster]
2 Words: Nouns
med. antivaxxare {u}anti-vaxxer [short for: anti-vaccinator]
geogr. Elfenbenskusten {u}Côte d'Ivoire [official name for Ivory Coast]
förlags. inform. litt. e-bok {u}e-book [short for: electronic book]
elektr. förlags. läsplatta {u}e-reader [short for e-book reader]
elektr. förlags. e-bokläsare {u}e-reader [short for e-book reader]
etn. relig. likbål {n}funeral pyre [for burning a body as part of a funeral rite]
sport golfklubba {u}golf club [used for hitting golf balls]
kattlåda {u}litter box [for cats]
kattoalett {u}litter box [for cats]
hist. potemkinkuliss {u}Potemkin village [often used fig. for mock-up, fake]
förlags. tryck boktryckeri {n}printing house [for books]
tryck boktryckeri {n}printing office [for books]
hydro. miljö Unverified vattenprov {n} [det kalla vattnets prov] [gudsdom]water sample [for testing]
inform. Unverified wifi™ {n} {u}Wi-Fi™ [also WiFi, Wifi] [coll.] [often used as synonym for WLAN]
Unverified kopiator {u}xerox® (machine) [generic term for any photocopier]
5+ Words: Others
Har du eld?Have you got a light? [for a cigarette]
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