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Swedish-English translation for: [esp.]
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Dictionary Swedish English: [esp]

Translation 1 - 50 of 108  >>

grå {adj}
grey [esp. Br.]
bland {prep}amongst [esp. Br.]
Unverified töntig {adj} [vard.] [nedsätt.] [fjantig, dum]geeky [coll.] [esp. Am.] [socially inept]
Hallå!Hallo! [esp. Br.]
kemi tek. oxiderbar {adj}oxidisable [esp. Br.]
Unverified dresserad {adj} [särskilt hundar]performing [esp. dog]
Nonsens!Rubbish! [esp. Br.]
Skitsnack! [vard.]Rubbish! [esp. Br.]
Strunt!Rubbish! [esp. Br.]
Unverified dresserad {adj} [särskilt hundar]trained [esp. dogs]
att tillkännagiva ngt.to announce sth. [proclaim, advertise, esp. officially]
att knotato beef [esp. Am.] [coll.] [complain]
traf. transp. att köra omto overtake [esp. Br.]
att praktisera [öva]to practise [esp. Br.]
att skada ngn.to scathe sb. [archaic] [dialect] [harm or injure, esp. by fire]
film bio {u}
cinema [esp. Br.]
film biograf {u}
cinema [esp. Br.]
film bio {u}
the movies {pl} [esp. Am.] [showing of a motion picture]
med. apné {u}apnoea [esp. Br.]
artefakt {u}artefact [esp. Br.]
haklapp {u}bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)]
fågelskådare {u}birder [esp. Am.] [bird watcher]
anat. rumpa {u}bottom [esp. Br.] [buttocks]
borg {u}castle [fortified, esp. of the medieval period]
telekom. mobil {u}cellphone [esp. Am.] [also: cell phone]
telekom. mobiltelefon {u}cellphone [esp. Am.] [also: cell phone]
orn. T
mat. huvudrätt {u}entree [esp. Am.] [main course]
radergummi {n}eraser [esp. Am.]
suddgummi {n}eraser [esp. Am.]
mus. flöjtist {u}flutist [esp. Am.]
fjärdedel {u}fourth [one fourth] <1/4> [esp. Am.]
lugg {u} [hår  pannan]fringe [esp. Br.] [hair over the forehead]
tönt {u}geek [esp. Am.] [coll.]
handel järnhandel {u}ironmongery [esp. Br.]
brevinkast {n}letterbox [esp. Br.] [in a door]
med. leukotomi {u}leucotomy [esp. Br.]
köpcenter {n}mall [esp. Am.]
partytält {n}marquee [esp. Br.] [tent]
med. medicinare {u}medic [esp. Br.] [coll.] [medical practitioner]
mat. köttfärs {u}mince [esp. Br.]
mästerinna {u}mistress [esp. of an art, or as an honorific]
Unverified mammaknullare {u} [vulg.] [nedsätt.] [allmänt skällsord]motherfucker [esp. Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [offensive]
geogr. fjäll {n}mountain [going over the treeline, esp. in Northern Sweden]
film film {u}movie [esp. Am.]
kärntek. atomkraftverk {n}nuke [esp. Am.] [coll.] [nuclear power plant]
vetens. vin oenologi {u}oenology [esp. Br.]
traf. transp. omkörning {u}overtaking [esp. Br.]
klädsel byxor {pl}pants [esp. Am.]
kemi material polyeten {n} {u} <PE>polythene [esp. Br.] <PE>
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